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Cayenne pepper when better to take morning or night?

Cayenne pepper can be taken anytime, preferably in the morning, although it's not a stimulant; it won't keep you up at night.

If you sprinkle cayenne pepper on a spot where a dog urinated will it keep the dog away?


What scent will keep dogs off your property?


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Does cayenne pepper keep cats away?

Yes, but it might not work. For dogs, try using vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the perimeter and between the rows and no more unwanted visitors. Their sense of smell is too sensitive and they will vacate the area. Repeat after rains as necessary. For cats, they should only mess with your plants if they need to, either there is something in the plant that they need and you are not giving them, or if they are trapped inside and starving. But if you really want to keep cats away, try spraying ammonia on the plant. This might attract the dogs though. Cats avoid their own urine.

What is a natural repellant to keep dogs out of everthing?

Marigolds worked well to keep the dogs from eliminating on our front yard. We put a row next to the sidewalk and the dogs actually walked past our place faster than before the marigolds were planted. Marigolds are a summer plant; we need a new source of decorative dog repellent for the rest of the year.

What might a mail carrier keep on hand for unfriendly dogs?

A pistol. Pepper spray.

Will red pepper harm the plants in your garden if you sprinkle it on and around the plants to keep the cats and dogs away?

Red pepper should not harm plants in your garden if you sprinkle it around the plants to keep the cats and dogs away. However I would keep it away from the leaves and petals.

Is there an herb to keep ants away?


What can be sprayed to keep dogs from charging at you?

Water or pepper spray. You can make a homemade pepper spray with tobasco and water. Just put it in a spray bottle or squirt gun. (use on dangerous animals only please)

Where do police keep their pepper spray?

police keep their pepper spray in their utility belt.

Are jalapenos bad for DOGS?

Yes it is bad for the immune system but also you can take it as advantage if you want your dog to keep away from some stuff by using chilli powder repellent. Capsaicin, the chemical that puts the spice in chili peppers, is irritating to a dog's sensitive nose. Because of this, most dogs will avoid anything that smells like a chili pepper. You can rub or sprinkle cayenne powder and dried chili powder directly on objects and areas where dogs are unwanted. You can also mix it with water for a spray solution that will repel dogs.