

Was Hitler Catholic

Updated: 8/23/2023
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6y ago

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Yes, he was Catholic, although he did not observe as many Catholic practices in his later years as he did in his youth. He did however, always pay his taxes to the Church.

AnswerHe was raised as a Catholic. However, as an adult it is not believed that he practiced the faith and his anti-semitic views are NOT catholic. The Jewish and Catholic faith are remarkably similar. The only difference is that Catholics accept Jesus as the Savior.

Answer #3 -- The correct and true answer is: no, Hitler was not a Catholic for several reasons:

1. He absolutely rejected the Catholic Faith & Christianity when he designed his own pagan-style religion: Germanic Aryanism. Hitler frequently lamented the demise of pantheistic & occultist Pre-Christian Roman religion. He also said that Shintoism & Islam would have been better fits with German Aryanism than Christianity.

2. While Hitler was born to a Catholic mother, his father was primarily a secularist. We have no idea what kind of Catholic (or anti-Catholic) instruction Adolf received as a child from his father or anyone else. We do know that Adolf attended Catholic school for one year as a young boy but he also did not want to be confirmed into the Catholic faith. That means that as early as age 11 or 12, Hitler had already rejected Catholicism.

3. Everything that Hitler became -- including his warped "religious" views from a very young age -- is totally contrary to authentic Catholic Christian teaching. The tenets of Mein Kampt and Nazism are anathema to Christianity and specifically to Catholicism.

4. Hitler was a socialist dictator. He created the Nazi Party -- the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Every pope, from the mid-1800s to the present, has condemned Socialism--and later, it's most extreme form: communism-- as evil, even using the word: "demonic" to describe both socialism and communism.

5. Hitler also despised Pope Pius XII and intended to kill him and install/replace him with a "Nazi" fake pope. Hitler intended to turn all Catholic Churches (including the Vatican) along with Protestant churches into Nazi Churches that ultimately would not be Christian at all. Instead, they would all be "state Nazi Party churches" used as a means to control and brainwash the masses -- not so different than how the "Hitler Youth" organizations were used. In fact, Hitler forbid Catholic children to attend Catholic youth organizations.

6. Even the 1933 Concordat between the Vatican & the Nazis merely granted the Catholic Church the right to select her own priests & bishops without Nazi approval and to continue to preach the Catholic Faith in German Catholic Churches providing that no priest or bishop criticized Hitler or Nazism from the pulpit.

7. During WWII hundreds of thousands of Catholic priests, nuns, monks were sent to their deaths in Nazi concentration camps. 3 million Catholic Poles were murdered in Auchwitz alone. Hitler absolutely hated the Catholic Faith & Church . . .and he sought to murder all genuine Catholics he considered a threat to Nazism/Aryanism.

8. Hitler was not a Catholic by any reasonable, intelligent or common sense measure. The only reason Hitler did not take control of the Vatican and kill Pius XII (and replace him with a Nazi fake/puppet pope) is because the Italian people would not have permitted it. It was Mussollini who convinced Hitler to leave Pope Pius XII alone. Musollini did that to protect his own power during WWII -- he was afraid the Italian people would turn against him if he permitted the pope to be killed and the Vatican to be taken-over by German Nazis. There was obviously the added risk of other/new Catholic-dominated nations joining with the Allies in WWII if Hitler killed (and/or replaced) the pope. So, Hitler recognized that it would be too dangerous to the Nazi war effort to risk causing a rift with Italians (and other Catholic nations) by killing/replacing the valid pope. He decided instead to wait until after he'd won the war before he took control of the Vatican, all Catholic & other Christian churches and installed a Nazi puppet pope. During WWII, Pius XII was literally a prisoner in the Vatican -- he couldn't leave Vatican City. And, Vatican City was surrounded by Nazi & Italian troops.

9. Describing Hitler as a Catholic is almost as bad as describing him as a Jew. Such descriptions are unnecessarily offensive and painful. Hitler was neither a Catholic nor a Jew. He was essentially a pagan who created and designed his own sick Aryan god & religion that was, in fact, diametrically opposed to Christianity.

10. Hitler was also an Occultist. He was superstitious and a devotee of Nostradamus' occultist predictions. The Catholic Church condemns the superstitious writings of Nostradamus as does most Christian churches. Occultism is not Christian -- The Bible specifically condemns occultism as demonic.
He was a baptized Roman Catholic and had a Roman Catholic upbringing but stopped going to church when he left home.

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Firstly, Catholicism is a denomination of the Christian faith. Catholics are Christian.

Hitler had a skewed relationship with religion but did attend a Catholic school in his youth. His mother was a practising Catholic.

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