

Was America what the Irish immigrants thought it would be?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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No, it was better. Irish immigrants had rights and freedoms in America, when they previously did not in their home country.

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Q: Was America what the Irish immigrants thought it would be?
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What does America have that Ireland does not have?

I believe that would be corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day. I have been told that this custom was first begun by Irish immigrants in the U.S. and not an ancient Irish custom at all.

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answered by: anomus The Immigrants would take jobs from the Americans

How is Irish mickey ward Irish?

In the melting-pot that is America, you can be define by your ancestors background, if you had Irish ancestors or parents you would be considered Irish-American or as they shorten it in America to just Irish, Italian, polak, Russian, scotch-Irish etc

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Irish immigrants helped build what Railroad?

Irish immigrants worked on the union pacific railroad to help build west from Omaha Nebraska. The Union Pacific was in fierce competition with the central pacific railroad so the irish sometimes would sabotage the work of the central pacific.

Mother is Irish father is hispanic what ethnicity would the child be?

If you were born in America you would be an Irish hispanic American citizen.

What was the ratio of immigrants to American was born?

I would suggest that the ratio is 1. All immigrants to America must have been born!

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The Irish carried the Hallow's Eve tradition with them. They would originally carve out squash-like vegetables and make lanterns out of them. The only squash-like ones they had in America were pumpkins. A native (of America) saw them and called it a Jack O' Lantern. Then it stuck.