answered by: anomus
The Immigrants would take jobs from the Americans
Nativists believed that the U.S belong to those who were born in the U.S. They disliked immigrants
Nativists believed that Immigrants wanted to destroy America.
Natives disliked the new immigrants because they (took jobs from white Americans).
Natives opposed immigration because they believed immigrants would take their places in regards to employment. Natives also lacked trust and were therefore insecure.
Kyran Dixon
Nativists believed that the U.S belong to those who were born in the U.S. They disliked immigrants
Nativists resented immigrants for their willingness to work for lower pay. Nativists also feared they would lose their culture.
Nativists believed that Immigrants wanted to destroy America.
Natives disliked the new immigrants because they (took jobs from white Americans).
The nativists in the late 1800s viewed the new wave of immigrants with a little resentment.
They were anti-Catholic, and nativists (opposed to Immigration and were suspicious of immigrants).
Nativists believed that fewer immigrants should be allowed in the country because they felt that immigrants took jobs away from native-born Americans, caused social problems, and diluted American culture and values. They also feared that immigrants would not assimilate into American society easily.
They said immigrants carried the disease
Nativists belived immigrants threatened American traditions.