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Q: Was Athens a successful city during its times of democratic rule?
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Should a democratic government tolerate dissent during times of war?

Yes because in a democratic government everyone should be able to air their views.

What are two major times of political division that occurred during the 1800's?

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When did Athens ended?

Athens is still there so hasn't ended. Unfortunately, like most places that were founded during ancient times, they are not the centre of the universe ,as they were then, but Athens is the capital of Greece, and all its important buildings are there, just as in ancient times...the ruins of the past are a sight to see, I have been and soaked up the past.

What were some hazards and dangers during the times in ancient Athens Greece?

There was the danger of Spartan attacks, as well as Persian Attacks. Weather could also be hazardous at times.

Was it during Sparta or during Athens when the helots or farmers revolted against the government in 600 BC?

it was definitely in the spartan times i am doing homework on Spartans so i should know

Which one is better Ancient Egypt or Ancient Athens?

The obvious response is 'better at what'? Each had their advantages and disadvantages, and ran communities and economies which were at times successful, at other times unsuccessful. Overall, it depends on what you think makes good-better-best.

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Yes. Arizona has been a democratic states for 16 times

One of the most powerful seafaring powers was?

In Greece during ancient times, one of the most powerful seafaring powers was Athens. There were other naval powers in the Mediterranean, such as Persia and Phoenicia, during the height of Athens' power and at other times. Still, the Athenian navy could not generally be matched for the quality of its ships nor, even more vitally, for the quality of its crews and officers.

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What is similar from Sparta and Athens?

Sparta and Athens were two of the most powerful Greek city states in ancient times.

What is rival to Athens?

In ancient times, Sparta was the leading rival of Athens