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No, he did not. But in high school and during his first two years of college, like many students, he experimented with drugs, including marijuana and cocaine. There is no evidence he became a heavy user. He writes about this period of his life in his autobiography and is very honest about it. He has said he is not proud of that time in his life, but he learned from his mistakes. He was able to turn things around, focus on his education, and become successful in his life.

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It is not clear if he ever smoked it, but he has admitted to snorting cocaine. In his book, "Dreams From My Father," he acknowledges that he used cocaine as a high school student but rejected heroin. "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though," he said.

In an interview during his Senate race, Obama said he admitted using drugs because he thought it was important for "young people who are already in circumstances that are far more difficult than mine to know that you can make mistakes and still recover.

"I think that, at this stage, my life is an open book, literally and figuratively," he said. "Voters can make a judgment as to whether dumb things that I did when I was a teenager are relevant to the work that I've done since that time."

In his autobiography on page 482 paragraph 6 line 3 he says he has snorted crack from between a stripper's breasts.

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11y ago

No, he was not. In high school and during his first two years of college, like many students, he experimented with drugs, but it was mostly marijuana; he also admitted to trying cocaine. There is no evidence he ever became a heavy user. He writes about this period of his life in his autobiography and is very honest about it. He has said he is not proud of that time in his life, but he learned from his mistakes. He was able to turn things around, focus on his education, and become successful in his life.

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11y ago

Barrack Obama has admitted to the use of marijuana and cocaine before entering politics. He has not stated that he has used crack, nor has there been evidence presented that he has.

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