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Yes, in both World Wars.

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Q: Was Belgium attacked by Germans
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What part of Europe did Germany conquer after Poland?

After the Polish campaign of 1939, the Germans attacked France, Netherlands and Belgium.

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Belgium. Neutral Belgium was attacked by the Germans on there way to France

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What was directly caused by Germany's attack on Belgium?

Germany attacked Belgium as a way to avoid the French army and capture Paris. The Germans thought that they could capture Paris quickly and this would cause England to give up in assisting the French.

Did the Germans attack France first through Belgium or did french declare war while Germans were still in Poland?

Germany attacked Poland on 1 September 1939 and Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later. The German invasion of Belgium, the Netherlans, Luxembourg and France started on 10 May 1940.

Why was Poland attacked?

Poland was attacked by Germans because they wanted to take over.

Did Belgium get taken over by the Germans?


Two reasons why the Germans disliked the treaty of Versailles?

It reduced Germany's size and eliminated most of its military. It took land from the Germans, as well as demilitarising it. The Germans felt vunerable because they might be attacked and have little defence. They also had to take the blame for the war and pay back money that mostly went to France and Belgium.

Attacked Belgium in WW1?

they got annoyed

Who attacked England to draw France into war?

No one, France and England were both allies of Belgium,and when Germany attacked Belgium,both France and England had to join

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