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When they wanted to unite all colonies.

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Q: Was Confederation an attempt to solve existing problems and lay a foundation for a country?
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What problems did the article of confederation attempt to correct?

Your question is wrong. So sorry but the aricles of confederation was the first consituiton of the united states. The prombles that it had where the army money and a national bank.

The of Confederation was the first attempt at an American government?

The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt at an American government.

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How did James Madison attempt to address the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and how it is organized?

What did the Articles of Confederation attempt to create?

A government ruled by the people

What was the US' first attempt at a central government?

The Articles of Confederation

What did the native Americans build to attempt to halt settlement?

A confederation

The Articles of Confederation respresented the?

The Articles of Confederation represented an attempt to balance the sovereignty of the states with an effective national government.

Is the Articles of Confederation the first attempt at building a national government?

Yes it was.

The first attempt to design a U.S. government was called?

the Articles of Confederation.

The first attempt which failed at a government in the US was called?

Articles of Confederation

What was America's first attempt to establish a plan of government?

the articles of confederation

What did the articles of confederation mean?

America's first attempt at a written form of government!!!!