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yes he is.

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Q: Was Daniel Webster against slavery
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Was Daniel Webster pro slavery?


Did Daniel Webster support slavery?

Webster opposed slavery, but he believed that the preservation of the Union was most important.

Who spoke against sectionalism?

Daniel Webster was a great orator who spoke against sectionalism

Why was Daniel Webster oppsed to slavery?

He was opposed to slavery, but his main interest was keeping the union together.

Saving the Union was more important than ending slavery?

**Daniel Webster**

For saving the Union was more important than ending slavery?

Daniel Webster

For who saving the union was more important than ending slavery?

Daniel Webster thought that saving the Union was more important than ending slavery. Webster was a senator from Massachusetts.

The 1830 debate between Senators Daniel Webster and Robert Hayne focused on?


Who said that saving the Union was more important than ending slavery?

Daniel Webster

What was the issuue in the Webster-hayne debate?

Webster wanted pro-slavery. Haynes was against slavery. Therefore, they never met eye to eye and nothing got done or accomplished between them.

Why was Daniel Webster willing to agree to A fugitive slave law?

Daniel Webster supported the Fugitive Slave Law as a means to preserve the Union by upholding the Compromise of 1850. He believed that enforcing the law was necessary to prevent the spread of discord between the North and South over the issue of slavery. Despite his personal opposition to slavery, Webster prioritized maintaining the unity of the country.

Where was Daniel Webster position of nullification?

Daniel Webster strongly opposed nullification and believed that the federal government was above the states. This is made clear in the Webster-Hayne Debate of 1830, where Webster argued against pro-nullification South Carolina senator Robert Hayne.