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Yes, before the fall of the Soviet Union and the reunification of Germany, East Germany (DDR) was an Eastern Bloc country, directly affiliated with the USSR.

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Q: Was East Germany related to the USSR?
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Gorbachev's looser policies allowed for East Germany could break its ties with the USSR.

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After WWII, Germany was defeated by the allies and divided. East Germany was run by the USSR (Russians). Berlin, the capital, was located in East Germany, but was controlled by the USSR and the western allies. The Berlin wall was build to keep the East Germans in Eastern Berlin from entering Western Berlin of Western Germany.

What country was in charge of East Germany?

The USSR officially gave the DDR independence in 1949, although many people regard East Germany as a Russian puppet state.

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No, the USSR not East Germany.

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Nations:PolandCzechoslovakiaHungaryRomaniaAlbaniaBulgariathe DDR (East Germany)The USSR