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Elizabeth more, she goes through the biggest change. She realizes she had been absurd with all the accusations she believed were true about darcy involving bingley and jane, and wickham. I think although darcy changed for the better, it wasnt that drastic because when reading i thought the reader only got like one point of view of darcy, but his servant or something like that knows the kinder side of darcy, he doesnt change as drastic as elizabeths realization of how foolish she had been

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Elizabeth Bennet is generally considered a more dynamic character than Fitzwilliam Darcy in Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice." Elizabeth undergoes a significant evolution in her thinking, beliefs, and feelings throughout the novel, while Darcy, though he does experience personal growth, remains relatively consistent in his character traits.

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Q: Was Elizabeth or Darcy a more dynamic character?
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What was the pride in Pride and Prejudice?

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