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Q: Was Georgia established as a philanthropic venture to aid the poor of Britain?
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Will your new joint-venture media company The Media Club be established?

I don't think so!

What city in Georgia has the largest concentration of Irish or Irish Americans?

I'm not American but i would venture its Savannah.

Why where the southern colonies started?

It depends on the colony. Some, like Georgia, were started for freedom (in Georgia's case, financial freedom). Others, like Virginia, were established for economic venture. A few were started so that the mother country could gain land and power. Of course, there were other reasons (and sub reasons for states mentioned) the southern colonies were started.

When was the Venture Brothers established?

The first episode of the Adult Swim show The Venture Brother aired in February 16th 2003. However, the storyline of the show was created sometime before 2000.

Colony established as an economic venture?

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Was Roanoke Island an econonmic venture?

Yes, Roanoke Island was an economic venture as it was one of the first English attempts at colonization in the New World. The colony was established to try and establish a profitable settlement for the investors.

Did the british create the nuke?

It was a joint venture between Britain and america. See related link to Wikipedia for more information.

What colony was founded to provide a refuge for debtor prisoners?

Georgia was the colony which was started as a refuge for debtors. It was established by James Oglethorpe in 1732.

Why was Roanoke island established?

Roanoke Island was established as the location for the Roanoke Colony in 1585 by Sir Walter Raleigh as an attempt to establish a permanent English settlement in North America. The colony was intended to serve as a base for further exploration, trade, and to potentially provide valuable resources for England.

How can you do sentences with venture?

I venture in to the woods.

What enterprises would most likely attract a venture capitalist?

A one-year-old e-commerce companyy! ;) Apex

What is an antonym for venture?

the antonym of the word venture is bore, bored because venture is to be doing an activity