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Germany did have a nuclear weapons project in WW2, but they had problems that prevented much progress. The program was scaled back by 1943 to just a long term nuclear reactor project intended to make power reactors after Germany won the war.

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Q: Was Germany involved in the making of nuclear weapons?
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What can you do to prevent the use of nuclear weapons?

Unless you are involved in governmental policy making, which most of us are not, the second best way to prevent the use of nuclear weapons is to raise awareness of the dangers of nuclear warfare and hopefully that will cause sufficient interest so that the government will act accordingly.

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It is unclear who "you" is in this scenario. There are many who profit from making nuclear weapons, especially the individuals who are paid to assemble the weapons and their components. Whether or not nuclear proliferation is profitable as a form of conflict deterrence is still very controversial.

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An antinuker is a person who is against the concept of making nuclear weapons.

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Can Ukraine start making nuclear weapons?

Although they have the nuclear material that could be deviated for nuclear weapon production but Ukraine has neither the motivation nor the political/economical will to make nuclear weapons.

Are they making any atomic bombs today?

Neither the US nor Russia are making nuclear weapons of any kind at this time. Other countries however are making nuclear weapons; some are North Korea, India, and Pakistan.

By making nuclear weapons did Russia surrender in the cold war?

No, of course not!

Why is the US currently in negotiations with North Korea?

They are making nuclear weapons.

Why should you stop making nuclear weapons?

Because the nuclear weapons will not bring peace they will just bring more and more war and that will definitely not solve any problems.

What was the most dangerous thing America has ever done?

making nuclear weapons

Is the us currently making nuclear weapons?

No. But old ones are being refurbished.

When was Nuclear Weapons Invented?

Read Richard Rhodes book : The Making of the Atomic Bomb.