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Q: Was Henry Clay anti slavery or pro slavery?
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What is pro-slavery and anti slavery?

Pro-slavery is being in favor of slavery, while anti-slavery is being against slavery.

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Who wrote the Missouri comprsie?

The Missouri Compromise was created between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions within the United States Congress. This document set clear regulations on the issue of slavery in the western territories. Henry Clay was the actual writer of the Missouri Compromise.

What is the difference between pro slavery and anti slavery?

people who accept the slavery are pro slavery and people that doesnt accept it are anti slavery

Was Lincoln pro or anti slavery?

He was obviously pro-slavery.

Were Mark Twain's parents pro-slavery or anti-slavery?

They were anti-slavery.

Was Olivia Langdon Pro slavery or anti slavery?

anti slavery. She was born to an abolitionist family.

What were the pro slavery anti secession states generally known as?

what were the pro slavery anti secession statesgenerally known as border states

Was Jefferson Davis a part of anti slavery or pro slavery?

Pro-slavery. He was President of the Confederate States of America.

What proposal did Henry Clay and John C Calhoun offer to end the disagreements between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces?

The Missouri Compromise was proposed by Clay and Calhoun. It forbade slavery in the former Louisiana Territory north of 36 degrees 30 minutes, except within the boundaries of the proposed state of Missouri. The Compromise was passed into law in 1820 and effectively repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1954.

What was the cause of the missoury compromise?

a fight between pro slavery and anti slavery