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Hitler was really only bad later on in his life, when he was younger he was not as bad as when he was older.

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He was nasty

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Q: Was Hitler bad when he was young?
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Why was the Hitler's youth group so bad?

It taught young children that the discrimination of others is good, and that Hitler was doing the right thing. They were being told that some bad things were actually good, and to only trust Hitler, even above their parents.

What did Adolph Hitler expect of the Adolph Hitler Youth?

Hitler created the Hitler Youth in order to indoctrinate the youth of Germany into believeing Nazi Ideals like Jewish people are bad. It is easy to get young children to believe anything if you tell them the same thing over and over again, that is why he created the Hitler Youth. Hitler expected that from his Hitler Youth the children would grow up with his ideals and therefore not rebel against him. He also was training the young boys in the Hitler youth for the military.

Was Hitler a bad man d day?

Yes, Hitler was a very bad man.

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Stalin had a bad childhood not bad as Hitler though

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There is no evidence that Hitler had bad encounters with Jews on a personal level.

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Alois Hitler was Adolf Hitler's father and he died when Hitler was still young.

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yes, Hitler was a bad man. He did bad stuff. He did lots of bad stuff. He is a bad man. no, he was a politician not a manual labourer.

What was the lasting effect of Hitler's youth?

do you mean "Hitler Youth" or when Hitler was young, please be more specific

Use Ku Klux Klan in a sentenece?

the klu klux klan was almost as bad as Hitler but not as bad at Hitler.

Is adolf Hitler bad in world war 2?

Yes, Adolf Hitler was bad (evil) before & during the war.

What purpose did the young folk and hitler youth serve?

The young people and Hitler served only one purpose. The one purpose that was served was killing a lot of people that did not fit to Hitler's standards.

Did Hitler always want to run a country?

No, when Hitler was young he wanted to become an architect.