

Was Hitler corrupt

Updated: 4/26/2024
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14y ago

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In true definition of the word, Hittler's way of thinking was morally corrupt. While his intention was for the good of the German race, it was done at the cost of minority groups like the Jews. His tactics were often deceiving, like offering false peace with his enemies only to invade them anyway. He pursued his policies with ruthless abandon. Everything about this man was wrong.

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1mo ago

Yes, Hitler was corrupt. He and his regime engaged in massive corruption through embezzlement, fraud, and extortion methods to fund their operations and consolidate power. They used corruption to maintain control over the state and oppress opponents.

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13y ago

Corruption of a political leader implies that you can purchase his permission to violate laws or statutes.

Under this description Herr Hitler was not corrupt. Quite the contrary he was ruthless. He initiated strict laws and policies and then enforced them.

He may have been nuttier than a fruitcake, we'll never know, but he wasn't corrupt.

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