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There is debate among historians regarding Hitler's mental state, but some argue that he displayed delusional thinking and grandiose beliefs, suggesting a disconnect from reality. For example, his pursuit of military conquest despite overwhelming odds and his belief in the superiority of the Aryan race. Additionally, his increasingly erratic behavior in the later years of his rule further suggests a detachment from reality.

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Q: Was Hitler out of touch with reality?
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What was the purpose of the experiments of Josef Mengele?

to help Hitler's super race become reality. And after Hitler accomplished that, he wanted inbreeding to happen. yes like have relationships with family. close family.

Did Hitler get his way?

Mostly he did. Especially at times that where important to his dreams. But, occasionally, reality set in and he was at times challenged by his generals. Not to mention the bitter end. ---

When did Neville Chamberlain give Czechoslovakia to Adolf Hitler?

Chamberlain was the father of the "appeasement policy" of the mid to late 1930's in Europe. He felt that by "giving in" to Hitler's territorial demands he would prevent a larger war from starting in Europe. Of course the reality was that by giving in to Hitler time and time again......he only embolden Hitler into believing that Britian would not stand by Poland if Hitler invaded....leading directly to World War II

Was Hitler a Jew?

In reality, Hitler wasn't Jewish. However, their has been rumors and evidence of false genetic results that says one of Hitler's Grandparents was Jewish. This is an rumor because Hitler's grand mother, His mothers's mum supposed of been Jewish and Hitler's inherited the Jewish religion during her childhood. This part is unconfirmed due to many reports and claims but one point is clear is that Hitler's Mother did start to dislike and didn't want her son to be Jewish when she was in her early teens and mid 20s.

How did the Saar plebiscite make Hitler stronger?

It was an essential 'first step' to Hitler's Road to War: 1. The result demonstrated that Germans were not just being scared into supporting the Nazis. It made it very hard for Hitler's opponents to argue that the German people were not entirely behind him. 2. The result gave a massive boost to Hitler's status. The Saar plebiscite confirmed Hitler's expansionist agenda for the rest of the 1930s, and made it incredibly difficult for democratic governments to oppose his claims to Austria and the Sudetenland.

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Adolf Elizabeth Hitler?

It's a joke from the musical and movie The Producers. In reality, Hitler had no middle name.

What is withdrawal from reality?

Withdrawal from reality means that you are moving away from reality, you are not in touch with it anymore and you live in your own little fantasy world.

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Benji Brown In Touch with Reality - 2005 V is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-MA

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The soft touch of her hand brought him back to reality. There was just a touch of cinnamin in the aroma.

Can you text on the touch screen of the Samsung Reality?

you can text on the touch screen of a samsung reality all you have to do is go on message the go 2 new message the click on the notebook paper an you vertical row will pop up

Which is better to see is to believe or to touch is to believe?

We must give precedence to touch over all the other senses because its perceptions have the most compelling character of reality. Touch plays a far greater role than do the other senses in the development of belief in the reality of the external world…What has been touched is the true reality that leads to perception. (Katz, 40-42)

What has the author Otto Dietrich written?

Otto Dietrich has written: 'The Hitler I knew' 'Language and reality'

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What term is described as a loss of touch with reality that may be accompanied by hallucinations?


Should you get the Samsung reality or the lg env3?

I suggest the samsung reality. I have the reality and I haven't had any problems with it. The touch screen is very nice but if you get tired of it, you can use the QWERTY keyboard that slides out.

What is the difference between psychotic or neurotic?

Psychotic disorders involve a loss of touch with reality, leading to hallucinations or delusions. Neurotic disorders involve distressing emotional symptoms like anxiety or depression that do not involve losing touch with reality.

What is psychotic delusional?

when you loose touch of reality and have weird thoughts and voices telling you things