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Jesus was definitely nailed, upright, to a cross.

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Matthew 27:31-35 records that Jesus was crucified on a cross.

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Q: Did Christ die on a cross or upright stake?
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Did Jesus die on a cross or on a stake?

Historical accounts indicate that Jesus was crucified on a cross, which was a common method of execution during that time period. The shape of the cross as we commonly know it (two intersecting beams) is most likely accurate based on historical evidence and biblical descriptions.

Did Jesus die on a cross or tourture stake?

Jesus died on a cross that he was forced to carry to Calvary.

In history did they put people on a stake or a cross to die?

Ancient Near Eastern practice was to tie the victim to a stake, with hands over head. The Roman practice was to use a cross.

Did Jesus Christ die in a cross?

No, Jesus's death took place on a cross because he was executed and also tied to a cross.

What did paunchus pilot do?

He was the judge that condemned Jesus Christ to die on the cross.

Who was Pontius Pilate and what was his role?

He was the person who sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross.

How did Jesus die for real?

Jesus Christ died on a Roman Cross, by crucifixion.

How is Lent linked to the Stations of the Cross?

The Stations of the Cross depict Our Blessed Lord carrying the cross up to His death and burial. Lent is the preparation for Christ to carry His cross, die on it, and be buried.

Is Jesus dead on a cross?

No. Easter day is the day that we celebrate the resurection of Jesus. That is the day that we celebrate his rising from the dead. He died on the cross on the Friday, three inclusive days before.

What was the cross of Christ made from?

It was a torture stake, so, timber, wood. The Romans sometimes simply tied a victim to the stake, in which case he might live for several days before he died from pain, thirst, hunger, and exposure to the sun. In other cases, such as the execution of Jesus, they nailed the hands and feet of the accused to a stake. (Lu 24:20;Joh 19:14-16; 20:25; Ac 2:23, 36) A horrible way to die. (John 3:16;17:3)

Why did he die on the upside down cross?

Because he felt that he was not worthy of dying in the same manner of Jesus Christ.

What did Jesus die upon?

A cross made of wood. The Roman method of execution called crucifixion was reserved for common criminals who were not Roman citizens. Execution of Roman citizens was by a swift beheading by sword. Crucifixion was usually done on a cross that was made of a long upright with a bar set across it that slid over the upright post producing the '+' shaped cross we see in churches. However, sometimes a 'T' shaped cross was used instead. The victim was usually nailed to the cross through the wrists and ankles after being whipped until nearly dead. Death came bt exposure, loss of blood, shock and asphyxiation. Some Christian sects like the Jehovah's Witnesses claim that jesus was crucified on a stake and not a cross. However, there is absolutely no evidence of this, and all evidence, historically, theologically, culturally and archaeologically points to death on a cross.