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No, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand started the war.

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Q: Was Kaiser Wilhem responsible for starting world war 1?
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Why is Kaiser Williams ii important?

Kaiser Wilhem II was the leader of Germany during World War 1. He was related to George V of Britain and Nicholas II of Russia. His grandmother was Queen Victoria.

Who was Germany's ruler during World War 1?

The leader of the German Empire during World War One was Frederick William Victor Albert of Hohenzollern, otherwise known as Kaiser Wilhelm II. After the war he sought political asylum in the Netherlands.

Why did Kaiser Wilhem want a bigger navy?

Because Britain had the best one and they were the greatest empire in the world at that point. To get anywhere close to becoming as powerful as Britain, Germany would need a good navy, they already had a good army.

Was chamberlain responsible for starting World War 2?

No - Hitler was blamed for starting the war.

What political idea was responsible for starting World War 1?

nazism and conquering

What country is considered responsible for World War 2?

The Second World War begun when Germany invaded Poland. So Germany is responsible for starting the war.

Kaiser in world war one?

Kaiser Wilhelm II was the kaiser (emperor of Germany) during the time of World War 1. by trying to show off Germany's army's strength, alliances were made against him.

What did Henry kaiser do in world war 2?

Henry Kaiser was an American industrialist and the owner of Kaiser Shipyard during World War 2. His company made Liberty ships and Victory Ships to aid in the war efforts.

In world war 1 who was the main leader?

Wars don't have a leader. The leaders of the main nations fighting were - Gt Britain - Asquith, followed by Lloyd George Germany - Kaiser Wilhem II France - Briand followed by Clemenceau USA - Woodrow Wilson

What policies did Kaiser William II follow?

Weltpolitik ("world policy") was the foreign policy of Kaiser Wilhelm II

The Kaiser was a major perticipant in which war?

Kaiser Wilhelm the second was the leader of Germany for most of world war one.

Fled to Holland after Germany starting losing World War 1?

The German ruler, Kaiser Wilhelm II, abdicated the throne and fled to Holland in the last days of the war.