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No. He was Canadian.

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Q: Was Louis Jolliet a European explorer?
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When did Louis jolliet become an explorer?

becase he pooped

Why was Louis jollliet so important?

Louis Jolliet was important because he was a famous explorer

How did Louis joliet help the world?

Louis Jolliet was an explorer from Canada. He is known for exploring the Mississippi river and making a map of it.

Which explorer led the first european expedition to track the mississippi river to the gulf of mexico?

Louis Jolliet discovered it in canoes with another guy.The correct answer is Sieur de La Salle

What things were named after Louis Jolliet the explorer?

joliet in quebec, joliet illinois, and joliet montana. Mostly cities.

What is a interesting fact about Louis jolliet?

One interesting fact about Louis Jolliet is Louis Jolliet's dad died when he was 7 (seven) years old

Who were Louis Jolliet's family?

French explorer Louis Jolliet's only family was his parents. His father however died when Louis was very young. He is most known for discovering the upper area of the Mississippi river.

Who did Louis Jolliet sail for?

Louis Jolliet sailed for the governor of New France (now Canada).

Why was Louis joliet important?

Louis Joliet's exploration was important for its discoveries, namely the Mississippi River, much of which he mapped. Jolliet was an explorer from Canada who lived from 1645 to 1700.

Why was Louis Joliet's exploration important?

Louis Joliet's exploration was important for its discoveries, namely the Mississippi River, much of which he mapped. Jolliet was an explorer from Canada who lived from 1645 to 1700.

What country and city was Louis Jolliet born?

Louis Jolliet was born in a French settlement near Quebec City, Canada.

Is Louis Jolliet spanish or french?

Jolliet and Marquette led the first French expedition down the Mississippi, in 1673. Louis Jolliet (also spelled Joliet), was born in Quebec in 1645. He was the first important explorer born in North America from European descent. He was taught at the Jesuit seminary in Quebec, but for unknown reasons left the order in 1667, and journeyed to France, probably studying cartography there. The next year he returned to Canada, became a fur trader and met Father Jacques Marquette. (1646-1700)