

Was Lycurgus king

Updated: 4/18/2022
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8y ago

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Lycurgus of Sparta was the one who created the laws of Sparta but he was not a king.

There were kings with the name Lycourgus (of Nemea, of Thrace etc) but they were minor kings.

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Junius Weimann

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Q: Was Lycurgus king
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Who was King Lycurgus?

Lycurgus of Sparta was the one who created the laws of Sparta but he was not a king. There were kings with the name Lycourgus (of Nemea, of Thrace etc) but they were minor kings.

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That Lycurgus is stalked by the gods and that his death resembles that of two of Antigone's ancestors are the references to Lycurgus of Thrace in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Lycurgus of Thrace also is mentioned about one-third of the way through Book VI of "The Iliad" by Homer (fl. 8th century B.C.E.). His lifespan can be considered as straddling the thirteenth to twelfth (13th-12th) centuries B.C.E. That also is the time period from the founding of the Theban royal house to the generation of King Thersander, Princess Antigone's nephew and Polyneices' son.Edonian King Lycurgus is the son of Dryas, whom he is driven to kill by the workings of divine curses. His offense is his opposition to Dionysos the wine god. His punishment is dismemberment. The same offense is committed and similar punishment therefore is meted out to Antigone's great-grandfather Labdacus and her great-great uncle Pentheus.

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Elvin Lycurgus Judy has written: 'History of Grant and Hardy Counties, West Virginia'

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Lycurgus has written: 'Oratio in Leocratem' -- subject- s -: Speeches, addresses, etc., Greek 'Lycrugi Deperditarum orationum fragmenta'

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How do you pronounce Lycurgus?

It is pronounced "lie-KER-guhs."

Was Lycurgus the leader of Athens?

No, he was a guiding early leader of Sparta.