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There is no direct evidence of this, in the form of a theatre review along the lines of "The King's Men opened their play Macbeth at the Globe and nobody liked it." We do have the record of Simon Forman having seen the play in April 1611, which must have been some years after it was written, but there is no mention of how it was received, only what the plot was and how it was played. Still, the play has topical references to events 5 or 6 years before Forman saw it, which suggests that it was in repertoire for some time.

On the other hand, the play was never printed individually which shows that it did not have the popularity of plays such as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Titus Andronicus, which were published separately in quarto. And there is also the clear indication that the play was revised and new scenes added as well as songs from the Thomas Middleton play The Witch--this would not have been necessary if the play was successful. Nor does it appear on any of the lists of plays performed at court, suggesting that it was not popular there. These arguments suggest that the play was not particularly successful during Shakespeare's day.

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Q: Was Macbeth successful when it was first performed?
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