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No. Methadone was used in place of heroin or morphine for wounded German troops. Germany was in the middle of an opium shortage and needed another drug that provided the same effects as heroin or morphine.

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Q: Was Methadone used in Nazi concentration camps were the Jews given this drug to stop them from escaping?
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What jobs were prisoners given in concentration camps?

Agriculture and crafts

What was the name given to the period when Jewish people were sent to concentration camps and killed?


How big were concentration camps?

There was no standard size for concentration camps which were used by the Nazis during World War 2. These camps were of various sizes and could house a few hundred to many thousands of people at any given time.

Who came up for the idea of concentration camps?

the modern concentration camp is attributed to the British in about 1900, but that is just because that was when the name was given to it.

When Jews first arrived in the death camps they were given showers then put to work true or false?

false on both counts. Though this is what happened in concentration camps.

Did the Jews have to run to the concentration camps?

A small number of Jewish prisoners were made Kapos, but they were never given any posts of real responsibility. The actual running of the camps were in the hands of the SS.

A prisoner in charge of a concentration camp?

There's some confusion here. Some prisoners were given positions of responsibilty inside concentration camps. They were called Kapos or Capos. Obviously, no prisoner was ever 'in charge of a concentration camp'.

What is the difference between concentration camps and labor camps?

A labor camp was basically a sort of special prison where inmates were forced to do hard labor."Concentration camp" is the larger umbrella term for all Nazi-run camps (the term actually predates Nazism). Subtypes of concentration camps include labor camps, transit camps (where inmates are collected and transferred elsewhere), prisoner of war camps (where captured enemy soldiers were kept) and extermination or death camps (where inmates were simply killed).

How many clalories did the people in concentration camps have?

Gentiles would get about 1000, Jews were supposed to be given about 120, but generally got about 70-80.

Where any Aryan people in concentration camps?

Yes, some inmates of concentration camps were Aryan political prisoners. However, they were not subjected to work like Jewish prisoners. Instead they were given positions of power within the camps. Read Primo Levi's Survival in Auschwitz for more info. I doubt you will considering your lack of ability to distinguish between 'where' and 'were'

Did Jews In Concentration camps get food?

Those Jews who were selected for work were given some food, though not enough. Those who were shot or gassed soon after arrival were not given a final meal.

Where were they killed in the Holocaust?

Usually people were killed in concentration camps or death camps. In these camps, people were worked to death, put in gas chambers, or were shot. Often people caught diseases and died, or they starved to death because they were barely given any food.