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Q: Was Niccolo Machiaeveli a templar in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood?
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How do you make a clan in Assassin's Creed revelations?

Same way you did in brotherhood. Kill templar captain, light signal fire, recruit assassins.

How does Desmond become an assassin on Assassins Creed 2?

He breaks out of the Templar prison where he was captured in the first game and goes to the Assassins hideout and they also have a animus. He uses the life of Ezio Auditore Da Firenze to learn the ways of the assassins.Another person:Desmond Miles became an Assassin simply for being born into the Brotherhood of Assassins, though he claimed not to be an Assassin. Desmond was kidnapped by Templar Warren Vidic and his "Fellow Templar" Lucy Stillman who was actually an Assassin in disguise, while in the first Assassins Creed game, Desmond finds out Warren is a Templar, he then escaped with Lucy into the second game.

Are Assassins and Templar's still alive?


What are the red footsteps around the Villa in assassins Creed Brotherhood?

The only logical explanation is that they're Lucy's footprints - she was later revealed as a probable Templar ("The Black Cross darkens the horizon").

What does it say on the back of the cover of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood?

I have always fought alone. But one man can not take down an entire Templar order. So I have recruited my fellow assassins. Together we will cleanse the corruption from the holy city of Rome. Together we will form The Brotherhood.

What is Assassin's creed characters?

By characters, you probably mean templars. Templars are the assassins that Desmond sees in Ezios memory. You will get an assassination contract to assassinate the templar. You can also play as several Templars in the multiplayer of Brotherhood.

Is Assassins Creed brotherhood based on history?

In the video game series Assassins Creed ( I, II, Brotherhood) you play as mythical assassins from the medieval ages in Europe. Some things from the game like the Templar Knights are people, or groups of people from this time period. Then there are parts of the game like the animus. the animus is a science fiction machine that does not exist. so overall Assassins creed brother hood is based on history, but to a very minimal extent. NONE of the things that happen in the game are real, only certain people and places.

Are the templars from assassins creed real and if they are does that mean assassins are real?

The Knights Templar really did exist, from 1119 to 1312. They did participate in battles, however, they were not assassins.

Who won the battle between assassains and templars?

The Assassins were brave fighters, but they feared the reputation of the Knights Templar. The Assassins gave much money to the Templars in return of safety. In the battle at Sakira, when 5000 Saracens were attacking 400 Assassins, the last ones got saved by 100 Knights Templar. Some legends even tell that Assassins and Templars were friends and the Assassins were Christian.

What are the Templar coins in assassins creed bloodlines for?

Accomplishments, and when synced with AC2 it can be converted into credits.

How do you access the Templars Lair?

In AC Brotherhood you have to preorder editions to get the 2 templar lairs

Were the Knights Templar assassins?

No, they were basically elite soldiers. One may even consider them military monks.