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Quran 11:42-43

So the Ark sailed with them on the waves (towering) like mountains, and Noah called out to his son, who had separated himself (from the rest): "O my son! embark with us, and be not with the unbelievers!"

The son replied: "I will betake myself to some mountain: it will save me from the water." Noah said: "This day nothing can save, from the Command of Allah, any but those on whom He hath mercy! "And the waves came between them, and the son was among those who were drowned.

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Hows abraham connected to Islam?

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What is the complete list of prophet?

Assalaamu alaykum!!! Prophet Muhammad PBUH says that there are 124 thousand prophets passed, 313 of them were "Rasool". Others were Nabiy. But 25 of them is mentioned in the holy Quran. Here is the list: Hadhrat is used for Prophets and also for some great Muslims as Hadhrat AbuHanifa etc. 1. Hadhrat Adam (pbuh) (Adam) 2. Hadhrat Idrees (pbuh) 3. Hadhrat Nooh (pbuh) (Noah) 4. Hadhrat Hood (pbuh) 5. Hadhrat Saleh (pbuh) 6. Hadhrat Loot (pbuh) (Lot) 7. Hadhrat Ibraheem (pbuh) (Abraham) 8. Hadhrat Ismail (pbuh) (Ishmael) 9. Hadhrat Ishaq (pbuh) (Isaac) 10. Hadhrat Yaqoob (pbuh) (Jacob) 11. Hadhrat Yousuf (pbuh) (Joseph) 12. Hadhrat Sho`aib (pbuh) 13. Hadhrat Ayyub (pbuh) (Job) 14. Hadhrat Mu'sa (pbuh) (Moses) 15. Hadhrat Haroon (pbuh) (Aaron) 16. Hadhrat Dawood (pbuh) (David) 17. Hadhrat Suleyman (pbuh) (Solomon) 18. Hadhrat Yunus (pbuh) (Jonah) 19. Hadhrat Ilyas (pbuh) (Elijah) 20. Hadhrat Al-Yasa (pbuh) (Elisha) 21. Hadhrat Thul-Kifl (pbuh) 22. Hadhrat Zakariya (pbuh) (Zechariah) 23. Hadhrat Yahya (pbuh) (John) 24. Hadhrat Isa (pbuh) (Jesus) 25. Hadhrat Muhammad (pbuh) 26. The twenty-sixth Prophet who is referred to in the Qur'an is Hadhrat Samuel (pbuh). However, the Qur'an has not given his name, but has presented him as `a Prophet` of Bani-Israel after Hadhrat Mu'sa (pbuh). This is mentioned in the verses 246-248 of Surah Al-Baqarah. The name of this Prophet, that is Samuel is mentioned in the Bible. In fact one book of the Old Testament is in his name. The Qur'an has also mentioned another personality by the name of `Uzair. Generally, Uzair is believed to be a Prophet, but the Quran is silent about his Prophet hood. He is also mentioned in the Old Testament. A whole book is ascribed to him. In this book he is called Ezra. He is however a very important man, because it is he who collected the Torah-the book revealed to Hadhrat Musa (pbuh), after it was lost during the captivity of Bani-Israel in Babylon. This gives an indication that such an important task can more likely be performed by a Prophet only.

How are muhammade and mecca different?

According to Islam : Muhammad (PBUH) is the name of last messenger of God sent to mankind (Muslims recognize all the biblical prophets as messenger of God, including Jesus (PBUH)) Mecca is the place of birth of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is also the place where Ka'ba is situated; which Muslims believe was built by Prophet Abraham (PBUH) and his son prophet Isma'il (PBUH)

How many revealed books are mentioned in the Quran?

- Papers of Abraham PBUH - The Psalms (David PBUH) - The Torah (Moses PBUH). - The Gospel ( Jesus PBUH). - The Quran itself (Muhammad PBUH).

What does pbuh mean?

pbuh means 'Peace Be Upon Him'. It is supposed to be added after the name of the Prophet, pbuh.

What do Muslims believe about religious schools?

A religious school makes a muslim, who possesses high level of morality, charity, spiritual, faithful to Allah, faithful to all the novel prophets Adam (pbuh), Noah (pbuh), Ibraham (pbuh), David (pbuh), Solomon (pbuh), Mosses (pbuh), Jesus (pbuh) and the last, final and the leader of the prophet named Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Who originally embraced Islam?

first Muhammad (PBUH) and then Ali (PBUH) and then Khadijah (PBUH) the wife of prophet.

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Muhammad (PBUH) and Imams like Ali (PBUH) and Imam sadiq (PBUH)

Did Muhammed have any brothers or sisters?

No, he was the only-born within his family. The reason for this being that his (PBUH) father died before Muhammad's (PBUH) birth and his mother also followed shortly.

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Muslims believe that solmon(PBUH) got the mosque Aqsa constructed. zakariya(PBUH) Mary(PBUH) and some other prophets used to reside there. Mosque aqsa is in juresalam. Muslims regard all prophets holy so juresalam is also important to them

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Psalms ( David PBUH ).Torah (Moses PBUH).Gospel ( Jesus PBUH ).

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Abu Lahab Was a man at the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)....he was also the cousin of Muhammad's father (Abdullah).......he was a rich and wealthy man...and one of the biggests haters of Muhammad (PBUH) and Islam....he used to torture followers of Islam....and he used to curse Muhammad (PBUH) and make fun of God reaveled Surah Lahab to Muhammad (PBUH) in which there is serious punishment for Abu Lahab and his family!!