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Q: Was Pericles famous for tyrant of Athens yes or no?
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True or false Pericles was a famous tyrant of Athens?

In a the modern term of tyrant yes; but in the classical greek tyrant defintion yes because percicules was someone who illegally seized power he had no right to the power during this time.

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Was Pericles a tyrant?

in a way, yes however there are arguements to suggest he was politic hero

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Should Pericles the Athenian be prosecuted along with Bernard Madoff?

Yes, I think Pericles probably embezzled four or five times more money than Madoff stole. Where did he steal the money from? From the Delian League's treasury, which was moved to Athens from Delos immediately when Pericles was entitled "general." Pericles built the Acropolis in Athens with this money, was tried for stealing the money, and talked his way out of the trial.

Did Pericles fight in the Persian Wars?

As he was 15 at the time, he was below the military age of 18.

Are there any famous people from Athens?

yes there are loads

What were the goals of pericles?

He had a list of things to do and just did them his own way.

Did pericles have children?

Yes, Pericles had a son - also pericles - with the metic Asphasia.

Did Pericles die?

Pericles died from the plague.