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General John Pershing, insisted that he be in command of the American Expeditonary Force upon arriving in France in early 1917. The overall commander of the allied armies in the west was a Frenchman, Marshall Ferdinand Foch.

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Q: Was Pershing in command of the combined Allied troops in World War 1?
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What difference did the US make in World War 1?

When the United States entered WW 1, it had an impact in the size of Allied troops. It also gave the Allies General Pershing command of most of Allied forces in the West. The US added air power to the war, and was an important factor in the end of the war in 1918.

What major problem did pershing have with his allies?

Pershing believed his troops were superior.

Who was the leader of the doughboy troops?

John J. Pershing .

Which president sent General John J Pershing and his troops into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa?

General John Pershing was sent to command the Pancho Villa Expedition tasked with capturing Villa. It was the US Army's response to Pancho Villa's 1916-1917 raids on US territory. The expedition was unsuccessful.

How did the General Pershing cause tension with the Allies?

General Pershing caused tension with the Allies by delaying sending troops to Europe until they were properly trained.

How many allied troops were killed?

12,000 allied troops died that day.

How many Allied Forces troops fought in D Day?

Over 170,000 Allied troops fought in D-Day.Over 170,000 Allied troops fought in D-Day.

Who was the leader of us troops during ww1?

John J. Pershing

How many allied troops involved in Normandy?

There were around 156,000 allied troops involved in D-Day/Normandy landings. 12,000 of those allied troops died that day.

What type of warfare was used in the Allied invasion of Italy and how many Allied troops were in the invasion?

Allied troops found many death and concentration camps.

How did the arrival of the new American troops affect the spirit of the allied troops?

The arrival of new American troops brought a new sense of hope to the Allied troops. Allied troops were tired and feeling like the war would never end, the new troops brought energy, hope, and enthusiasm.