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Pocahontas married a man named John Rolfe, she had one child before her death a boy named Thomas Rolfe.

I am her great x6 granddaughter and she married a Rolfe which is my decendents

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Q: Was Pocahontas married if so how many children did she have?
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She was supposed To Marry Kocoum and she did but then she "Married" John Rolfe And was baptised as Lady Rebecca Rolfe. Her Real Name was Matoaka, they called her "Pocahontas" because she was so playful.

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When did Pocahontas get married?

Yes, in 1614 to John Rolf. Smith did NOT save Jamestown. He was only there a very few months and he lied about his contribution to the settlement in a book he wrote several years later. He also made up the story about Pocahontas and she died young so couldn't refute his story. The man who did save Jamestown was the husband of Pocahontas and gave tobacco seeds to the colony. That was John Rolfe.

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What did Pocahontas do that's so important?

I don't get the meaning of Pocahontas. Plz clear it

What are Pocahontas?

you are so stupid

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How many brothers and sisters did pokahonist?

Assuming you mean Pocahontas, the tribunal Indian that lived in Jamestown during the early pilgrim settlement, then the answer is completely unknown. Her father was the chief of their tribe, and could have been a husband to many wives and produced several legitimate and illegitimate children. On the contrary, there is no record stating the amount of potential siblings Pocahontas had. Since her father was chief, his son would have been the next in line as chief, so it can be assumed that he was definitely the father of many children, since people back then that desired a male heir tried several times to have a son.

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The bible does not say exactly how many children Adam and Eve had .But they had sons and daughters beside Abel and Cain, so Cain married his sister.