

Was President Chester Arthur assassinated

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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No. He was elected Vice President under James Garfield, who was assassinated.

Arthur became the 21st President of the United States and served the remainder of Garfield's term, from September 19, 1881 to March 4, 1885.

President Arthur died on November 18, 1886 of Bright's Disease.
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Q: Was President Chester Arthur assassinated
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Chester A. Arthur

What tragic event led to Chester Arthur becoming president?

Chester A. Arthur succeded to the office of President after President James Garfield was assassinated.

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Chester A. Arthur was Vice President when President James A. Garfield was assassinated and immediately assumed the role of the presidency.

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The Twenty-First US President - Chester A. Arthur. Chester AllenArthur became the twenty-first President of the United States (1881-1885) when James Garfield was assassinated. Arthur was the fourth Vice President to succeed to the presidency.

What president died before Chester Arthur became president?

Arthur was Vice-President under James Garfield, who was assassinated in 1881.

How many times was chester arthur elected president?

None, actually. Arthur was originally Vice-President under James Garfield. Garfield was assassinated, and Arthur became President.

WHAT WAS Chester a arthur campaign slogan?

He never ran for president. He was vice president put into office as president when Garfield was assassinated.

Who did Chester A Arthur run against?

Chester A. Arthur ran as the Vice Presidential candidate with James Garfield on the Republican ticket. They ran against Winfield Scott Hancock with running mate William Hayden English as the Democratic challengers. Chester A. Arthur did not run for President, he became president when Garfield was assassinated in 19 September 1881 at which time Chester Arthur was sworn in as President. Arthur's party did not select him for re-election.

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There is no record of any pets while Chester Arthur was President.

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Chester Alan Arthur

Was Chester Arthur president?

Yes. Arthur was the 21st President.