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Lee was the top Confederate general. Grant eventually became the top Union general.

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Q: Was Robert e lee the most senior general in the civil war?
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Who general had the most experience in the civil war?

Robert E Lee

Who is the most famous general of the civil war?

U.S. Grant and General Robert E lee.

Who were the most important civil war generals?

The most important Civil War generals were General Ulysses S. Grant for the North and General Robert E. Lee for the South.

Who was the top general of the confederacy through out most of the civil war?

The top confederate general was Robert E. Lee.

During the civil war who was the most famous southern general?

Robert e lee

What general led the Confederate army in the US Civil War?

Robert E. Lee was the leading Southern general through most of the US Civil War. However, he was not officially appointed to be the general in chief until early 1865.General Robert E. Lee

Who were the leader Civil War army?

The Commanding General of the Union Army (for most of the Civil War) was General Ulysses S. Grant; the Commanding General of the Confederate Army was Robert E. Lee

Why was Robert E. Lee important during the US Civil War?

He was a lieutenant general He was possibly the most successful general of the Confederate army.

Was Robert E. Lee Abraham Lincoln's general?

No. General Robert E. Lee was a general for the Confederate (southern) Army during the Civil war. He led most of the troops against Lincoln's Union forces.

Who were the most important people during the civil war?

Ulysses s. grant (general of union army) Robert e. lee (general of confederate army)

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Robert E. Lee was a general what US Civil War army?

Robert E. Lee reached the level of lieutenant general in the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. During the US Civil War he was considered the leading Southern general and as the war neared its ending, he was given charge of all the Confederate forces. He became the South's general in chief. This was the role that President Jefferson Davis informally held during most of the war.