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he realized when he got married

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Q: Was Thomas Garrett always against slavery?
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What is the Garrett family motto?

The Garrett family motto is Semper Fidelis which translates in to Always Faithful.

Why were abolitonists against slavery?

because slavery was always with africans and so the abolitionists couldn't ignore it. They payed so much attention to it, that when the compromise of 1850 was put in i increased abolitionists againest slavery. They hated slavery because usally they were africans too, or white and thought everyone should have equal rights and freedom. ;]

Was there slavery in the 1950s?

yes theres always been slavery it might not have been the same as before but slavery is slavery in fact theres still slavery today in some parts of the world

What were John Adam's views on slavery?

He abhored it, and thought it would always be a mark against a nation created as temple to equality. He was also the only founding father to never own a slave.

Was Lincoln opposed to slavery?

Definitely. Lincoln always disliked slavery for many reasons and that is why he made slavery illegal in all places of the northern territory.

Harriet Beecher Stowe had always opposed slavery?


Why did lincoln want to stop slavery?

Abraham Lincoln had always had a distaste for slavery. It is assumed that this is due in part to his strong religious convictions.

What was Clara Barton's view about slavery?

Clarais neutral, she is a christian. in the civil war she helped both north and south.

What did Garrett Morgan do as a child?

he was always in to inventions as a kid, as a teen he got a tutor for school his parents were former slaves

How was slavery in Africa different from slavery as it developed in the new world?

In Africa, slavery was not always permanent and was not based on heredity. (studyisalnd answers) STUDYISLAND IS AWFUL I FEEL REALLY BAD FOR WHOEVER HAS TO DO IT.

Did Robert E. Lee fight for slavery?

No he didn't. Like the best Southerners he had always considered the slavery as an evil, and favoured the gradual emancipation of the blacks. After the war broke out he set free the half dozen slaves of whom he was the owner. He fought to defend his State, Virginia and the Independence of the South against that he called the "The Aggression of the North".

Was slavery always illegal in the North of the USA?

No. It only became illegal after other countries started recognising and banning slavery as an act of discrimination.