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no the Quakers

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Q: Was William Penn part of a religious group called the Puritans?
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What are the names of the religious group that come to the new world?


Why are some puritans called pilgrims?

The term "Pilgrims" refers to a specific group of Puritans who settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620. They are often called pilgrims because they journeyed to the New World seeking religious freedom and a new start.

Which religious group in England during the sixteenth century wanted to purify the church?

The Puritans, a religious group within the Church of England during the sixteenth century, sought to purify the church of what they viewed as Catholic remnants and return to a simpler form of worship centered on the Bible. They were critical of practices they deemed as too elaborate or superstitious.

Puritans Vs Pilgrims?

Puritans and Pilgrims were both groups of English Protestants who sought religious freedom, but they held different views on the Church of England. Puritans wanted to purify the church from within, while Pilgrims sought to separate from the church entirely. The Pilgrims eventually settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts, while Puritans established the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Did the Puritans get along with the Indians?

The relationship between Puritans and Native Americans was complex and varied among different groups and regions. Some Puritans had peaceful interactions with Native Americans, while others engaged in conflicts and violence. Overall, there were instances of cooperation as well as tensions and hostilities between the two groups.

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Was William penn part of the religious group called the puritans?

no the Quakers

What religious group that many of the pilgrims belonged to?

these people were called the Puritans.

What religious group established the Massachusetts Bay colony?

The Puritans .

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the first group that settled new England were the puritans

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What was a dominant religious group in Massachusetts Bay?

the Puritans

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The Puritans.

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the puritans