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the puritans

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Q: What religious group established the Massachusetts bay company?
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What religos group established the Massachusetts bay company?

the Puritans

What religious group established the Massachusetts Bay colony?

The Puritans .

Who led a group of puritan colonists who left England for Massachusetts in search of religious freedom?

John Winthrop led a group of Puritan colonists known as the Massachusetts Bay Company to settle in Massachusetts in 1630, seeking religious freedom from the Church of England.

The first town in the Massachusetts Bay Colony was Salem?

Salem, Massachusetts was the first established town in Massachusetts Bay Colony. There was a group of settlers from the Dorchester Company that had settled there earlier and left, never establishing a town. This was on Cape Ann.

How was Rhode Island founded?

AnswerIn 1636, Rhode Island was founded by a group of Puritans fleeing religious persecution in Massachusetts. Roger Williams and Ann Hutchinson is credited as being the leader of these people. They settled in Providence and established a rule of religious tolerance.

Dominant religious group in Massachusetts bay?


What was a dominant religious group in Massachusetts Bay?

the Puritans

What religous group established the massachusetts bay colony?

the puritans

What religious group was the first settled in colonial Massachusetts?

the quakers

What was the dominant religious group in Massachusetts bay?


Which religious group started Massachusetts bay?

The Puritans landed in Massachusetts in 1620, stating the colony

What colony did the first group of separatists in Massachusetts?

they established the Plymouth colony