

Was a byzantine emperor

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Was a byzantine emperor
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When did Constantine xi rule from?

Constantine XI Dragases, the last Byzantine emperor, ruled from 1449 to 1453.Constantine XI Dragases, the last Byzantine emperor, ruled from 1449 to 1453.Constantine XI Dragases, the last Byzantine emperor, ruled from 1449 to 1453.Constantine XI Dragases, the last Byzantine emperor, ruled from 1449 to 1453.Constantine XI Dragases, the last Byzantine emperor, ruled from 1449 to 1453.Constantine XI Dragases, the last Byzantine emperor, ruled from 1449 to 1453.Constantine XI Dragases, the last Byzantine emperor, ruled from 1449 to 1453.Constantine XI Dragases, the last Byzantine emperor, ruled from 1449 to 1453.Constantine XI Dragases, the last Byzantine emperor, ruled from 1449 to 1453.

A strong emperor of the byzantine empire?

Justinian I, Leo III, John I Tzimisces, Basil II, Manuel I

Who was the king of the Byzantine Empire when it fell?

There was not a Byzantine king. There was a Byzantine Emperor. The last Byzantine emperor was Constantine XI Palaiologos. He died in battle when Constantinople, the capital of the empire, fell to the Ottoman Turks.

Justitian and theodora are rulers of the byzantine empire?

Yes, they were Emperor and Empress of The Byzantine Empire.

Who was considered the head of the Byzantine Empire?

The head of the Byzantine Empire was the Emperor. His title was Basileus

Who was he last emperor of byzantine?

Leo the fifth.

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Who was the main supporter of the iconoclasts?

The Byzantine emperor

Which of the following controlled the economy of the Byzantine Empire A the Byzantine nobility B the Christian church C guilds of merchants and craftsmen D the Emperor?

The Emperor.

How did the Byzantine emperor maintain control over church?

The emperor chose the patriarch of Constantinople, leading the Church official in the Byzantine Empire.The emperor became an autocrat and the head of the church as well as the state.

What did Byzantine Emperor Alexis I ask Pope Urban to do?

The Byzantine Emperor (Alexius) asked Pope Urban for Christian knights to help him fight the Muslims Turks.

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