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Q: Was absolutism a period of prosperity or tyranny in Europe during the Th and Th centuries?
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How did absolutism differ between Western and Eastern Europe?

In western Europe absolutism was enforced as opposed to Eastern Europe where there was some form of absolutism but not to a full extent it was leaning more towards serfdom.

What idea were porposed by montesquieu and Locke that contradicted absolutism?

Monarchs In Europe believed in the divine right of kings and absolutism.

What is western Europe's prosperity base on?

Western Europe's prosperity is based on strong economies

Where did royal absolutism first emerge?

In Eastern and Western Europe

How did the Pax Romana lead to stability across the Roman Empire?

Internal and external security was the basis of stability and prosperity. The peoples of southern and western Europe had fought each other for centuries, and the Roman-imposed cessation of this stabilised the continent.

What ultimately proved to be the undoing of monarchical absolutism and its system of patronage during Europe's rebirth?

growing economic power of merchants

Did the Congress of Vienna restore absolutism in Europe?

Yes. They installed Louis XVIII on the throne and reversed the republican system of France at the time.

Does Europe have feudalism?

Feudalism is a term used for a set of political and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the ninth and fifteenth centuries. In the present day, and it has been so for many centuries, Europe does not have feudalism.

For Europe the late 15th and 16th centuries were a period of?

they were nothing.

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What was a major effect of the Roman Empire on Western Europe?

It provided security and advanced culture and prosperity.