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Well, she is there for two years. She gets discovered. She goes to a concentration camp, then dies.

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Q: Was anne frank in the secret annex the whole time during the war?
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Did Anne Frank go to school during the holocaust?

Anne, Margot and Peter all took daily tutoring from Otto Frank during their whole time in the annex.

What made Anne Frank feel successful?

What made Anne Frank feel successful was thatshe kept a diary for two whole years even though it was her first time keeping a diaryalso that she hid in "the Secret Annex" for two whole years without going crazy.

Did the whole family get killed in the Diary of Anne Frank?

The diary of Anne Frank is a real diary of a Jew during World War two. She writes it before and during the time her family was in hiding from the Nazis. On the morning of 4 August 1944, her family and the other family were discovered and Anne never wrote in her diary after that. Out of the 8 people leaving in what Anne called the 'Secret Annex', Otto Frank [Anne's father] was the only one to survive.

What did margot frank do in the secret annex do make time pass?

Margot Frank passed the time in the Secret Annex by reading books, writing poetry, and practicing her studies. She also spent time with her family and the other occupants of the annex, engaging in discussions and activities to stay occupied.

Who was the only occupant of the annex to survive concentration campswhat did he do after the war to make anne famous?

Otto Frank, Anne Frank's father, was the only occupant of the annex to survive concentration camps. After the war, he worked to have Anne's diary published, which eventually became a globally renowned book titled "The Diary of a Young Girl," making Anne Frank's story known worldwide.

What was the bathroom called in Anne Frank's diary?

Hopefully after she used it, especially after doing number two's, otherwise the smell would have stunk out her attic and the whole family would have had to suffer.

Who is Kraler in the diary of Anne Frank?

He is the person who helps the Van Daan's and the Frank's and Mr. Dussel into safety. He gets blackmailed by one of his employees and also gets found out by Nazi leaders (Gestapo)acually he is the one that helps hide the Van Pells and the Franks and Mr. Fritze Feiffer. The characters you are thiinking of is either form the play "the Dairy of Anne Frank," The book "Dairy of a young girl". She changed the names to protect the identities of the occuants of the Annex. (:he is also one of the many people who remembered anne frank cha cha un yuksies et magadoba

What has turned Anne's whole world upside down in July 8 1942 report?

On July 8, 1942, Anne Frank and her family went into hiding to escape Nazi persecution. This decision to go into hiding turned Anne's whole world upside down as they had to leave their home and live in secrecy to avoid being discovered. This marked the beginning of their two-year hiding period in the secret annex.

Who else was in the attic with Anne Frank's family?

the sheckler familythe other Jewish familywho whereActually, the other people who were in the "Secret Annex" with Anne was her family (Margot-her sister, Edith-her mother, and Otto-her father), the van Pels' (Peter, Auguste, and Hermann), and Fritz Pfeffer. In the published version of The Diary of Anne Frank, Anne changed the names of some of the residents of the "Secret Annex" because she does not put them in the best light. Her families names are the same, but the van Pels' are the van Daans and Auguste is changed to Petronella. Fritz Pfeffer is changed to Mr. Dussel.

What is the book The Secret Garden about as a whole?

a secret garden.

Was anne frank and peter date?

Anne Frank and Peter van Pels, a boy in hiding with her family, developed a close relationship during their time in hiding. They shared moments of friendship and support, but it is unclear if their relationship would be considered dating in a traditional sense due to their unique circumstances in hiding during World War II.

Is the house that Anne Frank hid in still there today?

Yes, the house where Anne Frank and her family hid during World War II is still standing today in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is now a museum known as the Anne Frank House, preserving the memory of Anne Frank and educating visitors about the impact of the Holocaust.