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Q: Was bedeutet der name triceratops
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Woher bekam Exmoor seinen Namen und was bedeutet es?

Der Name "Exmoor" stammt wahrscheinlich aus dem Altenglischen und bedeutet "Tributsum" oder "Pferdezuchtgebiet". Es bezieht sich auf die Region in Südwestengland, die für ihre Moorlandschaft, Wildpferde und Schafzucht bekannt ist.

What is the latin name of a Triceratops?

Triceratops is a scientific name - dinosaurs don't really have common names, although their genus names are used to commonly refer to them. The best example is Tyrannosaurus rex - Tyrannosaurus is the genus name and rex the species name. There are two species of Triceratops, Triceratops horridus and T. porosus.

What physical features gave the triceratops its name?

The things that helped triceratops get its name was mainly the frill and the three horns. And that's how It got its name: Triceratops Horriblus

What is the name of the not meat eating dinosaur?

a herbivore or a triceratops. love triceratops

What is a name for a dinosaur with 3 horns?

The Triceratops because it has three horns on it's face.

What does the name triceratops mean?

What does the name triceratops mean?The name triceratops means three-horned face.because tri means three and he has three hornson his face.

Definition of the dinosaur name triceratops?

Triceratops means "three horned face." It refers to the two brow horns and the nose horn that Triceratops had.

What is the meanig of the dinosaur name Triceratops?

Triceratops means "three horned face." It refers to the two brow horns and the nose horn that Triceratops had.

Was bedeutet quien eres in Deutsch?

"Quien eres" bedeutet "Wer bist du" auf Deutsch.

Wie ist der Name Exmoor entstanden?

Exmoor ist der Name eines Moors im Südwesten Englands. Es umfaßt Teile der Grafschaften von Somerset und Devon.Der Name Exmoor bedeutet das Moor, dem der Fluss Exe entspringt. Exe kommt vom Lateinischen Isca (Fluss) und moor kommt vom alt-Englischen mōr (Feuchtgebiet).The name Exmoor means the moor on which the River Exe rises. Exe comes from the Latin Isca, meaning a river, and moor is a Saxon word (mōr) for a wet area,