

Was chaves in jail for two years before he was president?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Was chaves in jail for two years before he was president?
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Used to be south American president, in jail for 27 years, anti-apartheid activist, was president from 1994-1999.

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They were being held at one the jail,mayor

What was the president before he became the president?

Many different Presidents had done their own things before they became President. Please specify the president. If speaking of the current US President Barack Obama, he was a senator from Illinois before he became the President. If speaking of Nelson Mandela from South Africa, he was a political prisoner in jail before he became the President. If speaking of Paul Biya in Cameroon, he was the Prime Minister before he became the President.

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Mandela faced a large amount of opposite in his fight for civil rights. The white people of South Africa continued to push him back, and imprisoned him for several years before being able to become president.

What president spent 27 years in prison in South Africa?

Nelson Mandela, but he was a political activist first, then went to jail, and then became president after he was released.

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1/2/10: No, not anymore. He was abducted by the Chinese at the end of the 5th season and sent to a Chinese prison. He was there for about 2 years before the president his release. That was at the beginning of the 6th season.

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Federal prison, up to six years. But, they were all pardoned by President Ford.

Did Barack Obama go to jail before?

No, the president did not go to jail (except perhaps to visit inmates when he was working as an advocate). The president has a distant uncle (on his father's side), Onyango Obama, who was arrested for drunk driving in a suburb of Boston and spent several weeks in jail; but the president himself has a clean record and has never served any prison time.

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Andy was a vice-president at a bank in Portland, Maine before he was sent to Shawshank prison.

How long were you in jail for?

Well, its a long story. You see, I was first sentenced 5 years in jail, but when they found out I took my cat to jail, I was sentenced another 4 years. After I was done with my first 5 years in jail, I wanted to come out but they reminded me about my extra 4 years. So one of the officers came into my jail cell to talk to me. But before he was done talking to me I bite his leg. Then i took his gun and shot him in the face, and now I am in jail for the rest of my life.

Who was the in jail as president?

I think it was me