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Q: Was democritus correct about matter or Aristotle and why?
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Why was Aristotle considered correct over democritus based on their time period?

Aristotle's views aligned more closely with the prevailing philosophical and scientific beliefs of his time, such as the idea of elements and substances. Additionally, Aristotle had a more comprehensive and systematic approach to his theories, which made them more appealing and influential. Democritus, on the other hand, proposed the concept of atoms, which was more abstract and less widely accepted at the time.

Did Aristotle believe matter was made of atoms?

Aristotle believed that matter was made of fire, water, air, and earth.

What did democritus and aristole think if matter is in separate bits or is it continuous?

aristotle thgt it was continuos but democritus didn't

Who used experiments to and scientific tools to study matter John Dalton Aristotle or Democritus?

John dalton and Democritus used them

Unlike Democritus Aristotle did not believe that matter was composed of tiny indivisible?


Who was born first democritus or Aristotle?

Democritus was born before Aristotle. Democritus lived from around 460–370 BC, while Aristotle lived from 384–322 BC.

Who came first Democritus or Aristotle?

Democritus(450 BC) came before Aristotle (400 BC)

What is Democritus and Aristotle country of origin?

Democritus was from Abdera, a city in ancient Greece. Aristotle was from Stagira, also located in ancient Greece.

Did Aristotle introduced the concept that elements are composed of fundamental particles called atoms?

No, it was man named Democritus. Aristotle believed the opposite, actually. He believed in a contiguous matter theory.

Did Democritus have more people believe him or did Aristotle?

Aristotle had more people believe in his ideas than Democritus. Aristotle's teachings greatly influenced Western philosophy and science, while Democritus's atomic theory was not widely accepted during his time.

Who disagreed with democritus' theory'?

plato and aristotle