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Q: Was does a ivory marked beetle eat?
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What are the different types of beetles?

Beetles are hard shelled, six legged insects. There are 25,000 species of beetle in North America. Some of these species include Ivory Marked beetle, the Iron Clad beetle, and the Hister beetle.

What does the ivory billed woodpecker?

They eat fishs and insects, primarily beetle larvae, fruits, and nuts and plants

What eats the ivory billed woodpecker?

They eat fishs and insects, primarily beetle larvae, fruits, and nuts and plants

What does the ivory billed woodpeckeer eat?

They eat fishs and insects, primarily beetle larvae, fruits, and nuts and plants

Can a beetle eat grass?

Some species of beetle will eat grass, and others do not.

How do you eat a beetle?

You do not eat a beatle.

Do bees eat beetles?

No, a beetle will not eat a bee. A beetle is more of a herbivore. The beetles eat fruits and berries.

When does the beetle eat the most?

the beetle eats the most when it is hungry.

Why is the potato beetle the most hated beetle?

They eat potatoes. And we want to eat those potatoes, too.

What does a Dung beetle eat?

A dung beetle eats dung.

Does beetle eat flower?


What are ivory vines?

ivory vines are vines that grow very long that animals eat