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was toothpaste used in a misson in space

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Q: Was edible toothpaste used in a mission in space?
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What mission was edible toothpaste used on?


Was edible toothpaste used in space?

Yes. Astronauts in space use toothpaste that is edible. Because of the absence of gravity in space, being able to swallow toothpaste is much more convenient for astronauts than having to spit it out. For this reason, edible toothpaste is used.

What mission was edible toothpaste first used on?

Apollo 11

How was edible toothpaste used in space?

Th astronauts used it for brushing their teeth up in space. Since ther is no gravity in space they had to swallow it.

Was edible toothpaste used in space shuttle?

Most toothpaste is harmful to the body if consumed in large amounts. This is because of the fluorides in it so I don't believe so.

What items do you use in space that you can find in my home?

Velcro, and tubes like those used for toothpaste.

What tools are used to explore space?

Tools such as satellites, space shuttles, and telescopes are used to explore space. Satellites take photos of certain objects in space depending on the mission. Obviously, space shuttles contain humans that are sent on a mission to explore certain object in space. Telescopes are used from Earth.

What mission would not be used to explore another planet?

space station

What is surplus nasa equipment used for?

Training for a simulated space mission

What is in the Romans have in there toothpaste?

they used urine as toothpaste

Was gloves and boots used for a mission and which one?

Gloves and boots are used for each and every mission in which astronauts are in space or on the moon. They are integral to any closed space suit. Without them astronauts would subjected to the vacuum of space and die almost instantly.

When was the space shuttle used?

The Space Shuttle Program was started in 1986, and is projected to have its last mission in November of 2010.