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Q: Was forty acres and a mule promised to American citizens by the U.S. Government?
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It was a system to attract England citizens to move to the Americas because it promised 50 acres of land and 50 acres for their slaves. Therefore, it developed thriving British colonies.

Why did freed slaves migrate to the western territories?

They migrated because the west was "new," and the government had promised them 40 acres and a mule. They had heard of the California Gold Rush, and they wanted a piece of the action.

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55.7 million acres

How much land was promised to settlers of Jamestown?

50 acres

What groups was promised Forty Acres and a Mule after the Civil War?


Who owns the American forests?

About 130 million acres are owned by the federal government and other state and local governments. The remaining 300 million acres are in relatively small tracts

Which of the following promised 160 acres of land to settlers in the West?

Homestead Act

Why did freed slaves migrate to western territory?

They migrated because the west was "new," and the government had promised them 40 acres and a mule. They had heard of the California Gold Rush, and they wanted a piece of the action.

How much land was promised to settlers of J amestown?

they weren't promised land as much as they were promised gold. the land supply was seen as unlimited

What did the homestead act of 1862 offer westerns settlers?

160 acres of free land to farm

How many acres is the National Park of American Samoa?

9000 acres

Union general who promised freed slaves who followed the army 40 acres and a mule?

General Butler