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Q: Was it easy for the Shawnee Indians until they had to move to other places?
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What is the Shawnee Indian history?

There is so much that has happened in the history of Shawnee Indians. They lived in the Ohio Valley up until they were evicted by the Iroquois natives in the region.

How did the Shawnee Indians travel?

Shawnees made dugout canoes by hollowing out large trees. Over land, the Shawnee tribe used dogs as pack animals. (There were no horses in North America until colonists brought them over from Europe.) Today, of course, Shawnee people also use cars... and non-native people also use canoes.

Were the Shawnee Indians in Pennsylvania?

Yes, the Shawnee were in western PA in the historic period, as well as numerous other states nearby. They had been driven out of the Ohio Valley by the Iroquois of New York. The tribe was widespread, also living in parts of Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and later Ohio. Until the mid-1700s, they had one of the few Native American villages in present-day Kentucky. The Iroquois and Delaware had driven tribes out of Kentucky, and preserved it as a hunting ground.

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Elk and deer were the first animal inhabitants approximately 12,000 years after the Ice Age. Humans didn't arrive until 300 B.C., and there is no "typical" Tennessee native.

Is world history too focused on western civilizations?

No. Much of World history began in these "Western Civilizations." Remember, no one with the exception of the Indians lived on the North American continent until Columbus. Many other places in the world were already settled.

How did Daniel Boone learn so much about the Indians when he was a boy?

Although a skilled hunter and woodsman as a boy, there is no evidence that he was an Indian expert until later in his life when he began to have many dealings with them as he trespassed onto their lands, including being captured and held hostage for five months, during which time he was adopted by the Shawnee, Chief Blackfish.

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Geronimo was the leader of the apache indians

Where did the ericoy Indians live?

they were prominently up the north eastern part of Canada. until they were attacked by other tribes and spread out throughout the region .. to my knowledge

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What did the Shawnee Indians use as transportation?

the Atakapa Indians made long dugout canoes from hollowed-out cypress logs. Over land, the Atakapas used dogs as pack animals. (There were no horses in North America until colonists brought them over from Europe.) Today, of course, Atakapa people also use cars... and non-native people also use canoes.