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No, because they had to learn to like new things.

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Bryce Runolfsson

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Q: Was it easy for the pilgrims to make this adjustment in their eating habit?
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Continue Learning about General History

Which of the following is one of the Native American tribes that the Pilgrims encountered?

That's an easy one the Wampanoag tribe

The pilgrims sailed from England to north America in what famous ships?

that's easy: the pinta, Nina, and saint marina

How many voyages did the pilgrims make?

each pilgrim made 1 voyage to America and the number of voyages is not easy as they are still coming every day

What did the colonists learn from mistakes while establishing Plymouth?

The Pilgrims came pretty well prepared to the new world, but they probably did learn from mistakes. They had to, if you didn't you were dead. It was people like the men in Jamestown that had to learn the most. They came with the idea it would be easy and didn't plant crops or build in a good spot. They had bad water, disease, and angry natives to deal with. The Pilgrims actually chose their spot carefully. They looked at several spots and finally chose a spot that had been a Native American village. They even found some of the food storage spots that still held corn. They got to work in creating places to live, but while they did this they lived on the Mayflower. They were very centered in what they wanted to do.

How easy is it to move a 12foot conifer?

Its not easy but it can be done.

Related questions

Was it easy for the pilgrims to make this adjustment to their eating habits?

no because they used to eat with their hands from the pot in which the food was prepared and they didn't had any spoons , they only had knife and forks ................................... you big

What was life when the pilgrims got here?

The pilgrims life was easy and hard. It was easy because the Native Americans gave the pilgrim food when the pilgrims came to America. It was also hard because many pilgrims died when it was winter at America.

Why did the Pilgrims set sail?

The pilgrims wanted an easier life (ended up not being easy) and also for religious beliefs.

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Not all. Most do not have keystone adjustment because they are not intended to have it such as ceiling and rear shelf mount models.

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While free feeding is definitely a convenient and easy method of feeding, it has its disadvantages. For one, it can quickly lead to obesity, as both cats and dogs can get into a habit of eating more than they need to if given the chance

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when your eating to much and get bloated the easy answer to lower your bloating is to stop eating so much food and go on a easy diet

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when your eating to much and get bloated the easy answer to lower your bloating is to stop eating so much food and go on a easy diet

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There is no easy way. You want to lose weight, you need plenty of determination and dedication to get into the habit of making healthy lifestyle choices.

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They are really smart and easy to train. Don't let a puppy go long with a bad habit and the training will be easy. Pitbulls are very easy to train you should have a great time training

Which of the following is one of the Native American tribes that the Pilgrims encountered?

That's an easy one the Wampanoag tribe

What made the first winter difficult for the pilgrims?

most pilgrims that came wanted an easy life. So they didn't have enough food because they didn't want to plant food or build actual houses

What was on advantage of the Pilgrims building their settlement on a bay?

Hey harbor near the ocean for for easy access to shipping and trade