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Moral implications aside, the first bomb failed to bring about the immediate and unconditional surrender of Japan...the second one succeeded. w

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Q: Was it right to drop the second bomb on Japan?
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Where did the atomic bomb drop?

First, Hiroshima, Japan; second, Nagasaki, Japan.

Why was the decision made to drop the second bomb?

Japan refused to surrender after the first atomic bomb.

When US decide to drop a bomb on japan?

I wonder that right after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

How did the US decide to drop a second bomb on Nagasaki?

Japan refused to surrender after the bombing of Hiroshima.

What bomb did harry Truman drop?

Harry Truman drop the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan and Nagasaki, Japan.

What type of bomb was drop on japan?

atomic bomb

Why did us drop bomb on japan?

to the the war with Japan

How did they drop the bomb to japan?

From a plane

What information would you want before making the decision to drop an atomic bomb on japan?

if you drop a bomb on japan, ninjas will die

Why did the US drop the second nuclear bomb on Japan?

Because Japan had not surrendered yet. There was also a danger that Japan would surrender to Russia as opposed to the US.

How did American drop the bomb on Japan?

By plane.

Where did America drop a bomb in japan?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki(atomic bomb,not a nuke)