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Q: Was native American removal and resettlement justified?
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Was the Indian removal act of 1830 justified?

The purpose of the Indian Removal Act was to take land and established homes from the Native people with the intent of giving the homes to the new settlers.

What year was the Native American removal act signed?


How effective was Native American resistance to removal?

MY ANSWER!!Not very effective if you ask me.....

What did the Indian removal act call for and did Andrew Jackson support it?

provided for the general resettlement of Native Americans from east of the Mississippi River to lands west President Jackson was a strong opponent of Indian tribes

Why was the Indian removal act supported?

opened native American lands up for settlement

Where were the native American groups of the Indian removal act relocated?

They moved to what is now Oklahoma.

How did some native American try fight against the Indian removal act?

with sticks and stoned

What are the rights that native American lose under the second great removal?

owning casinos and public places.

What was the major platform of the Georgia State Democratic Party was the removal of which Native American group?

The Creek Nation

What was the result of the U.S. pursuit of its manifest destiny?

The stealing of Native American ancestral lands and the removal to reservations.

What are some possible effects the Indian removal act might have on native American already living in the west?

The Native Americans can't live there anymore

How did congress respond to the demands of the settlers over Native American land?

By passing the Indian Removal Act in 1830.