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Please read the account of Kruschev in World War 2 in the attached link. Thank you.

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Nikita Khrushchev was sent to Stalingrad by Stalin during World War Two to co-ordinate the defense of Stalingrad against the German invasion.

So yes. Yes he was.

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Q: Was nikita khrushchev in Stalingrad during world war 2?
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What was the role of Nikita Krushchev in World War 2?

Nikita Khrushchev was a Commasar in the War. He fought in several crucial battles in Russia including the Battle of Stalingrad. See attached link.

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Answer: Nikita Khrushchev created the USSR policy of peaceful coexistence. expanded answer: Although the Soviet's propaganda was for 'peaceful coexistence', the Soviets actually sponsored several violent rebellions, insurgencies, assassinations, & wars throughout the world. Khrushchev did appear to be less belligerent than Stalin & Lenin, and this likely led to his replacement by "hard line" communists. They increased their malice towards the west in the decades that followed. Soviet propaganda always tried to hide secret Soviet goals of world domination.

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the building of Soviet nuclear missile sites in cuba

What led President John F. Kennedy to blame Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev causing a threat to world peace?

the building of Soviet nuclear missile sites in Cuba

Who the leader of Soviet Union?

Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Georgy Malenkov, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov, Konstantin Chernenko, Mikhail Gorbachev. In that order from the communist revolution in 1917 till 1991 when the USSR was disbanded. Lenin was the leader of the communist revolution. Stalin was the leader during World War Two. Nikita Khrushchev together with John F. Kennedy solved the Cuban Missil Crises preventing Nuclear War between the United States and The Soviet Union.

Why is Nikita Khrushchev important?

because he ultimately saved the world from nuclear war by sacrificing his pride and removing the nuclear weapons he had in cuba, therefore removing the threat of a nuclear strike or declaration of war from the US. this also then established a direct communication line between Russia and the United States, which led to a more diplomatic relationship between the two nations during the Cold War. elton john thinks so too... he even wrote a song about him =]

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