

Nikita Khrushchev

Nikita Khrushchev was a communist leader of Russia during the Cold War.

161 Questions

What led Kennedy to blame khrushchev for causing a threat to world peace?

Kennedy blamed Khrushchev for causing a threat to world peace due to the Soviet Union's placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba, as part of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Kennedy saw this as a direct provocation and a violation of American security. He believed Khrushchev's actions escalated tensions between the two superpowers and had the potential to trigger a global nuclear conflict.

What is the significance of NIkita Khrushchev for the Cold War?

Nikita Khrushchev was a significant figure during the Cold War as the leader of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964. He was involved in key events such as the Cuban Missile Crisis and the construction of the Berlin Wall. Khrushchev's policies emphasized peaceful coexistence and a thawing of tensions with the West, leading to a temporary thaw in the Cold War and a more relaxed atmosphere between the superpowers.

In 1959 what did Vice President Nixon and Soviet Premier Khrushchev agreed to meet in Paris to discuss?

Vice President Nixon and Soviet Premier Khrushchev agreed to meet in Paris in 1959 to discuss improving relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. The discussions aimed to ease tensions during the Cold War and find areas of potential cooperation, such as cultural exchanges and trade agreements. However, no major breakthroughs were achieved during this meeting.

Why was the planned 1960 summit meeting in Paris between Eisenhower and Khrushchev canceled?

The planned summit meeting in Paris between Eisenhower and Khrushchev in 1960 was canceled because of the U-2 incident. A United States U-2 spy plane was shot down over Soviet airspace, which resulted in the capture of the American pilot, Gary Powers. This incident heightened tensions between the two superpowers and led to the cancellation of the summit.

When did Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev die?

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev died on September 11, 1971 at the age of 77.

How long did Kruschev rule the USSR?

From Stalin's death in 1953 until right after Kennedy's death (1963) in 1964.

The Cuban Missile crisis pitted Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev against what U.S. president?

John Fitzgerald Kennedy. If you're over the age of 16 and you couldn't answer this question, you should have yourself tested for mental retardation.

Why did kruschev put missile in Cuba?

Soviet Premier Khrushchev wanted to put nuclear weapons in Cuba, because the US had placed Nuclear weapons in West Germany, Greece, Turkey, Japan, and A few pacific islands.

He wanted to equalize the strategic advantage

Why did Nikita Khrushchev want to western zones of Berlin under control of east Germany?

Soviet Premier Khrushchev wanted to keep skilled East German workers from moving to West Berlin. -nova net

How was Krushchev different from Stalin?

  1. His policy of 'perestroyka' led to more openness and ultimately the collapse of the USSR.
  2. He was the first soviet leader not personally trained by Stalin.
  3. He had to deal with the consequences of the worst nuclear disaster ever (Chernobyl), which could not simply be covered over politically or by secrecy.
  4. He admitted the soviet economy had supply and demand problems that needed significant repair.
  5. He admitted soviet industry had extreme inefficiency.
  6. He requested more honest and open press coverage.
  7. he increased the price of a loaf of brad.

Why did khrushchev's effort to reform the soviet economy meet with limited success?

In Khrushchev's time discussion of fundamental issues like the merits of Marxism-Leninism and single-party rule-was off-limits.

Why did Khrushchev criticize Stalin's rule?

He wanted to tarnish Stalin's image as a leader and the myths that surrounded him, and detach the 'Stalin Cult.' In doing so, he would not be criticised of being the culprit of the large amount of people that were still in camps, as on their release they would expose the truth of the repressions. In addition to this, by disregarding his role in the purges, he accused the other senior party members, and stated they were more responsible for the crimes committed. Following this further, the speech gave him the opportunity to begin the process of de-Stalinisation, granting him the chance to turn against Stalin's policies with less criticism from Soviet citizens. Also, Khrushchev believed that Stalin's system held further progress to which he could take up the initiative to produce and reform to his creativity of the policies.

Who were the leaders of the US Russia and Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis?

The leader of the United States was President John F. Kennedy & Soviet General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev was the USSR leader.

What deal does Khrushchev proprise to Kennedy?

Chairman Khrushchev proposed in a letter to President Kennedy, dated October 27, 1962:

  • The USSR would remove missiles from Cuba if the United States removed missiles from Turkey.
  • The USSR would honor the sovereignty of Turkey if the United States did so for Cuba.

What was the main difference between Khrushchev and Brezhnev?

There was some relaxation of tension and animosity between the two countries, but not really enough to make much of a difference. The Cold War continued.

Who succeeded Nikita Krushchev as leader of the Soviet Union?

Alexey Kosygin succeeded Nikita Krushchev as leader of the Soviet Union on October 14, 1964.

What effects did khrushchev's changes in the soviet union have on the world?

Khrushchev came to power in 1953 after death of J. Stalin. He wasn't as heartless and evil as Stalin, so things changed a bit, while he was ruling.

Most important thing, that he done was let most of the exiled people come back to their home. Also relations with other countries improved.

One of the most characteristic thing to his time was growing of corn. He didn't only recommend, but ordered farmers to grow corn.

All together Kruchchev's time of power was more peaceful than Stalin's and people could breathe up a bit.

What was nikita krushchev's nickname?

First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (from 1953-1964)