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Yes, all farming was organic before the manufacture of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

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Q: Was not all farming organic until the introduction of non organic methods?
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Who is the author of organic farming?

Organic farming does not have an author. It was done from the very start of farming until people discovered how to make synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and it is done today.

What are some facts about organic farming in India?

[1] Farming in India probably tended more or less towards organic methods until the 1960s. It was labor-intensive. Many people worked either small plots or large landholdings. The former tended to be worked, for on-site use or for barter/sale in local markets. The latter - perhaps best exemplified by tea plantations - tended to be worked, for many national and international markets. [2] As of the 1960s, farming probably tended more or less towards non-organic methods. For the Green Revolution was an important Indian government program. And it emphasized hybrid seeds, and chemical fertilizers and pesticides. [3] By the 1990s, India had become an important exporter of grains. But the downside of commercial farming was seen in air/ground/water pollution; indebtedness from the high costs of chemicals, mechanization, and transport; involvement in the world economy, and therefore sensitivity to demand and supply pressures outside of India; and poor soil quality. [4] With the 21st century, organic methods are becoming more popular. For the costs may not be low. But then neither are the profits. And European and North American buyers are looking to high standards, in both non-organic and organic food production.

Is it easy to shift from chemical farming to organic farming?

No. It takes several years in which you have to practice organic farming (which costs more) and sell your produce as regular crops with regular prices. It also means learning new ways of dealing with problems and a change in mind frame thing much more long term slow processes rather then immediate results. It also means changing your market and clientele. Quite a few challenges. An alternate answer: Switching from modern farming (i.e. "chemical" farming) to organic farming doesn't necessarily mean more expenses for the farmer. It does entail different methodology and practices, however. "Easy" is a relative term. For some farmers, the switch would never be easy, for others, there is no other way to farm. In terms of a sustainable planet, many farmers feel that organic is the only way to go. After all, until the "modern" era, with chemicals, organic was the way farmers raised crops for thousands of years. response to alternate answer: organic farming is a far cry from sustainable farming in fact for each acre of organic farming one needs 5 acres of non organic farming to produce enough compost for it to fertilize the field. if you were to gather all organic waste in the world and compost the whole lot and spread it evenly all over agricultural areas you'll get about a sixth of the minimum amount needed to grow organicly. additionnaly organic farming requires more labor and produces less product so if you want to change to organic farming and still sustain the current human population you need to cut down more rain forests and nature reserves to have enough agricultural area to grow food. there are many many many reasons NOT to grow organic especially from an envirumentally friendly approach. It also will help if you learn about organic farming as a chemical to change quickly

When are strawberris in season?

The traditional strawberry season is from June until mid August, but new farming methods extends it from April until mid December.

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It depends on what your essay says. You don't write the introduction until you've finished the rest of the piece. Make your points, then use the introduction to give a brief overview of what will be said in the essay. The introduction tells readers what to expect, so you have to have the rest of the essay done before you can finish that.

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Yes, just warm it gently until it becomes runny.

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likely any animal, berries and plants they could find until they started farming

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