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Q: Was priests the smallest class in Aztec society?
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Which was the Aztecs smallest class?

The noble class is the smallest class in Aztec society. It consisted of a ruler (known as the taltoani),priests and lords. Lords included landowners and judges.

Which Aztecs social class was the smallest?

The noble class is the smallest class in Aztec society. It consisted of a ruler (known as the taltoani),priests and lords. Lords included landowners and judges.

What wasc the smallest Aztec class?

slaves were the smallest class

Who were member of upper class in Maya society?

The members of the upper class in Maya society were kings, priests, warriors and merchants.

What was the largest class in the Aztec empire?

The largest class in the Aztec empire was made up of warriors, nobility, high priests and priestesses

What was the class structure of Aztec society and to wich class did most people belong?

there was three main classes formed Aztec society: the nobles, the intermediate class, and the commoners. Most people in Aztec society were in the third class, the commoners. By the way you spelled which wrong.....

Who in Aztec society were the best eduated?

In Aztec society, the nobility and upper class were typically the best educated. They received training in history, religion, politics, and warfare from a young age. Priests and scribes also received specialized education in religious practices and writing systems.

What was the middle class in the Aztec society?


What is the purpose or the importantce of Aztec headdress in the Aztec Society?

Aztec headdresses were symbols of power, status, and identity in Aztec society. They were worn by rulers, warriors, and priests during ceremonies and rituals to showcase their authority and connection to the divine. The elaborate designs and materials used in the headdresses reflected the wearer's social standing and role within the Aztec hierarchy.

Who were the members of the upper class in Maya society?

The members of the upper class in Maya society were kings, priests, warriors and merchants.

Who belonged in the upper class in the Maya society?

Kings, priests, warriors and merchants were in the upper class society.

Who belonged to the uppers class in Maya society?

Kings, priests, warriors and merchants were in the upper class society.